Value | £425, £25, £175, £450, £30, £200, £475, £40, £225, £500, £50, £250, £20, £60, £275, £35, £70, £300, £45, £80, £325, £75, £90, £350, £5, £100, £375, £10, £125, £400, £15, £150 |
Design | milngavie |
£5.00 – £500.00
The Milngavie Gift Card can be spent in over 50 town centre businesses. The gift cards are a great way to support local businesses and also give the gift of choice, making them perfect for any occassion.
Milngavie is a gateway to Loch Lomond and the Trossachs. The town centre, locally known as ‘Milngavie Precinct’ is based around the original village and has been pedestrianised since the 1970’s.
‘Milngavie Precinct’ is a predominantly retail centre with a mix of small independent businesses and national companies. The precinct is a vibrant centre of the community and also offers a wide range of other services from banks & building societies to travel agents, opticians and doctor & dental surgeries.