Value | £125, £400, £15, £150, £425, £25, £175, £450, £30, £200, £475, £40, £225, £500, £50, £250, £20, £60, £275, £35, £70, £300, £45, £80, £325, £75, £90, £350, £5, £100, £375, £10 |
Design | wightgiftcard |
£5.00 – £500.00
Enjoy the best of the Isle of Wight with the Wight Gift Card. Restaurants, boutiques, craft shops, bars, and so much more in store and online. When you don’t know what to buy, the islandwide gift card makes a great gift for any occasion.
If you’re looking for top-quality Island produce, amazing art and craft, vibrant local traders and wonderful boutique shopping experiences, the Isle of Wight has everything you need.
WightFibre has joined forces with the Isle of Wight Council to support the Wight Gift Card. As an Island business WightFibre is delighted to do their bit to help and to make it easier for Islanders and businesses to keep spend on the Island.